Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Death of "My Daddy"

Wow. What a day. Typing all of my emotions right now I'm hoping will somehow give me some relief. My Daddy died today. I have so many emotions spinning around in my head right now that I feel like another person. This is my first experience of [death] nearby really. It's like it happened to someone else. Does that make sense? I don't know. I have been close to many people that lost a parent or loved one and I think I was a good friend to them during their time of bereavement but I just feel all by myself today. Brian (my wonderful Husband) has lost both his Mother and Father in the past 5 I understand. It makes alot somewhat clear to me in a weird way about judging people. I can honestly say that you just don't know what you will do or how you will feel until it happens to you. Bizarre. My Dad was asleep when his soul escaped today. I'm glad for him. He just drifted off into a {nappy} we like to call it and woke up with Jesus. I wonder............................will he be able to play his Steel-Guitar in Heaven? I hope so. Alot of angels will be entertained. I can just see it..............Go with me for a minute if you will.........Knee slappin', dancin', singin'..............all to the tunes played by Daddy's magical fingertips on some strings. Funny. Sweet..................I miss my Dad. :( I am thankful that today when I received that ever so unpleasant phonecall that I was a Christian. I have the Holy Spirit to comfort me and my sweet family. I'm sad for those that don't. To you Daddy..............May we be joined together again one day with music playing and the sweet smell of Pumpkin Pie. I love you always.........................Love Dimple Doll

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

DA BOYS's 9:45 pm ( on a school night). The house slowly becomes quiet. Both boys have settled into their nesting spots for the 8hour break. As I walk into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of tea, I hear "Mom.....Mom". I turn around and there is Jack. I asked him what was he doing out of bed and his reply was "I just need you." Jack needed me to hug him and tell him that ghosts aren't real. So...........I did...........and he went back to bed (or so I assumed). I walked into my bedroom to feed my little fishies..............I heard something move........I heard it again...GUESS WHAT??? Jack didn't go back to his bed.........he went to mine! Oh well, he's asleep and right now that's all that matters.

Carter on the other hand got into his bed and was asleep in about 3 minutes. I type, Jack has risen yet again (I said he was asleep a minute ago right?) Now he's asking me if we have a Poltergeist???????? I'm done!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bailey B. Pike

Our 4 legged pal is Bailey B. Pike. We got him from Guardian Angel Pet Rescue. I remember when we went to visit him for the first time. He was 5 weeks old and nothing but a ball of blonde fur. We all fell in love with him from moment 1. At that time, the people that were keeping him had no idea what type of dog he was or how large he would be. Well.......a year later, we know! He's a mix of German Shepard, Chow, Collie and Retriever. Oh yeah, he's also 63 lbs. We love Bailey! He's still got a lot of puppy in him yet. He thinks he is a lap dog!


That's my dad. He's 76 and lives in Missouri. He's in a Nursing Home and everytime we go to visit, it breaks our hearts. Once this past Spring, we were getting ready to come back home after a visit with Daddy and Jack asked if we could pack up Granpa Red and bring him home. Jack and I sat down and cried while I explained to him why we couldn't do that. It's tough! Dad's doing ok right now, holding on. He beggs us to stay when it's time for us to leave. It's bitter-sweet. Enjoy some photos of us and Daddy.


Jack has pretty much always been a picky eater, but when it comes to certain things, you don't want to mess with him. RIBS..........that's one of his favorite fun things to eat and he will eat until he all but blows UP! Check him out!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Sarah......................aka...................the bear, Sadie Kate, Baby Luv, Prissy.........that's my girl! She is fabulous in so many ways. My first born. The child I learned how to be a MOM with. She's a HOOT! She is funny, pretty, smart..............and 12! For anyone that has been blessed to have a "PRE-TEEN", you know what I'm talkin' about. Every day is, let's say, interesting. The drama, the bad hair days, the "Mom, can't you do something with them" days (referring to her two younger brothers). I love every single day of it! Enjoy some shots of her I picked out just for you all to share with us!


Ok, this was really cool! Tonight, all 5 of us tested for our Orange Belts in Taekwondo and it was so AWESOME! This is something we've been doing as a family for about 6 weeks now, and it has been WILD! Jack has found his niche! In the beginning, Carter couldn't even do a sit up (at all!!), now he does 30 each class! Brian and I stay POOPED, but it's really worth it. The exercise is great and we really enjoy learning new things. Stay tuned for more updates!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jack Jack BKA DoodleBug

AKA............The DoodlBug................A little over 9 years ago this baby boy appeared to us with a mixture of reddish blonde hair, big sky blue eyes and this adorable smile. Both Kevin and I agreed "There's just something about this little guy." Jack lit up a room light no light bulb ever could..............and he still does. Now "Doodlebug" comes home in the late afternoon smelling like a wet puppy that got caught in the rain, sweaty, and always full of Love. He's simple yet complicated, funny but serious, little but big................ya know how that works.In January of 2007, Jack committed his heart and soul to Jesus Christ. A heart that was broken for those that didn't know Jesus, wanting to see everyone he knows, one day, in Heaven with him. He is passionate!............about everything he does from playing to praying. I LOVE IT! At night Jack curls up with me in my King Size Bed and we "chat". We talk about why Jack feels the way he does, we pray for those that have been "ugly" to him, we talk about why leaves fall off trees...............among many other things. Above all Jack just wants to be HAPPY. Happy with school, happy with the people that love him and those he loves, happy with life.Jack is a lucky little guy to have so many people that love him but more importanly.................we are lucky to have our Jack! I AM VERY LUCKY TO BE HIS MOM! The mom that has taught him to pray and thank God daily for our lives and for allowing me to "spin my wheels" with him every day that we share this earth. And although frustration kicks in (somedays more than others)and the hectic world spins out of control, it's all a part of our memries in the making. I just wanted you all to know how much I love my "Doodlebug".


OK.........I know you can't read the shirts but they all say "Elevate Your Jewelry" It's a "Draper" thing! Anyway, Don't we all look so ..............PINK!
This day was so much fun for us all! It was a great time of fellowhip and bonding with women all over the South.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Big 40

I know I know, I'm just now getting to the photos of my big 40th Birthday. It was such a nice get together. My wonderful Husband, Brian and my closest cousin, Amanda put together a great party to celebrate me being 40, not-so-skinny, aching joints and wrinkles-creeping-in. THERE.............done! Honestly, it's just a number. My wonderful and very intelligent Step-Dad always says that on your birthday you just should be thankful you are having another one!

I was happy to have my Brother and Sister-In-Law, Donnie and Suzanne there along with some dear friends, Gina and Chip, Ed and his wife and their friend, Ken, Jan and Dedrick and my friend Don. We really had fun, good food and fellowship. Our Awesome kids came too.

The New Baby / Loving Kids

January 27, 2008

Cousin Carla has given birth to a beautiful baby girl! Amanda and I went to see her last night. She is "GEORGOUS"!! Black hair, big beautiful eyes and full of life! Carla is such a good Mommy too! I was so proud of how she has adapted to being a Mommy! I will upload a photo for you all to see and will send more later.

Sometimes being a Mom is soooooooo hard. I can't even put into words what all is involved in being not just a parent, but a Mom. I love my children so much. My days are sometimes long and draining............especially after one of those days of answering 500 questions , no one wanting to eat the Dinner that I stressed over cooking, spaghetti sauce on my dining room wall, etc..........None of that matters at the end of the day when my Jack Jack and Cart climb up in my lap and say to me "Mom, you're the best Mom ever". Then it's all good. Sarah Kathryn passes the comment " are a cool Mom"......................that's a warm feeling from an 11 year old.