Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jack Jack BKA DoodleBug

AKA............The DoodlBug................A little over 9 years ago this baby boy appeared to us with a mixture of reddish blonde hair, big sky blue eyes and this adorable smile. Both Kevin and I agreed "There's just something about this little guy." Jack lit up a room light no light bulb ever could..............and he still does. Now "Doodlebug" comes home in the late afternoon smelling like a wet puppy that got caught in the rain, sweaty, and always full of Love. He's simple yet complicated, funny but serious, little but big................ya know how that works.In January of 2007, Jack committed his heart and soul to Jesus Christ. A heart that was broken for those that didn't know Jesus, wanting to see everyone he knows, one day, in Heaven with him. He is passionate!............about everything he does from playing to praying. I LOVE IT! At night Jack curls up with me in my King Size Bed and we "chat". We talk about why Jack feels the way he does, we pray for those that have been "ugly" to him, we talk about why leaves fall off trees...............among many other things. Above all Jack just wants to be HAPPY. Happy with school, happy with the people that love him and those he loves, happy with life.Jack is a lucky little guy to have so many people that love him but more importanly.................we are lucky to have our Jack! I AM VERY LUCKY TO BE HIS MOM! The mom that has taught him to pray and thank God daily for our lives and for allowing me to "spin my wheels" with him every day that we share this earth. And although frustration kicks in (somedays more than others)and the hectic world spins out of control, it's all a part of our memries in the making. I just wanted you all to know how much I love my "Doodlebug".

1 comment:

Sonya @ Balentine Bliss said...

Hey, girl! You have been officially "tagged." Come to my blog and see what to do!